The Uptime monitoring service

Reliable Synthetic Monitoring Solutions for Websites and APIs

Ensure Optimal Performance and Uptime for Your Website and APIs with Advanced Synthetic Monitoring Tools and Multi-Region Checks.

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Comprehensive Monitoring Features

LivenessProbe's advanced monitoring features include multi-region checks, detailed check results, performance charts, and configurable alerting for downtime and TLS certificate expiration. Optimize your website and API performance with our comprehensive synthetic monitoring tools.

  • Worldwide agent locations

    LivenessProbe agents perform synthetic tests from multiple of datacenters around the world.

  • Certificate monitoring

    Monitor TLS certificates to notify before your certificate expires.

  • Alerts

    Alert on sub-optimal performance of URLs, APIs and receive notifications.

Multi-location checks

Ensure that your website and API endpoints are performing optimally for all your users with LivenessProbe's multi-location checks.

Edge Agents map
Ready to improve your website and API performance?
Start monitoring your online assets today with LivenessProbe's active monitoring tools. Get real-time notifications of website and API issues and take action to prevent further disruption. Keep your customers happy and your online business running smoothly. Sign up now for a free trial.


Pay as you grow

Effortlessly monitor your online presence with LivenessProbe. Our active monitoring tools are designed for websites and APIs of all sizes, ensuring optimal performance. Start today to keep your systems running smoothly.

Free Tier

Free tier plan let's you test product concepts.

Create Accout
  • Features

  • Multiple regions
  • HTTP monitor
  • Email Alerts
  • 5 Days metrics retention
  • SSL monitoring
  • Custom HTTP request
  • HTTP response assertions
  • 5 minute check interval

Available after the current beta. You'll get:

  • Features

  • Multiple regions
  • 20 HTTP monitors
  • Email Alerts
  • Slack Alerts
  • Custom Alerting Rules
  • 30 Days metrics retention
  • SSL monitoring
  • Custom HTTP request
  • HTTP response assertions
  • 1 minute check interval